In Drinking Beer, NY Ranks Near Bottom of the Barrel !


July 3rd, 2013
Maybe New York is more of a sipping state than a chugging one. Whatever the reason, the Empire State ranks near the bottom in terms of beer drinking, according to a new analysis by beer industry trade group the Beer Institute.
In ranking states by their 2012, per-capita beer consumption, New York came in 48th, with only Connecticut and New Jersey tossing back fewer cold ones. According to Beer Institute data, New Yorkers in 2012 consumed, on average, 22.4 gallons of malt beverages per person. That works out to roughly 218 12-ounce servings per person.
The national average was 301 servings.
The thirstiest state in 2012 was North Dakota at roughly 489 12-ounce servings per person.
Total beer consumption nationwide was up about 1.5 percent in 2012, according to the Beer Institute.

Enjoy Your 4th Of July !


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