Insurance Articles

Developing Steen Sports Park – A Big Park for a Small City. !

Klamath Falls, OR - “A big park for a small city” is how Scott White and Mike Reeder like to describe Steen Sports Park. And, as activities and the need for improving and expanding offerings at the 140-acre park increase, Reeder and White are part of the team working...

Sales tax turnback for sports complexes approved !

May 21, 2021 Omaha, Nebraska - The state will turn back new sales tax revenue to cities to help them build sports complexes under a bill approved by lawmakers May 20. Sen. Brett Lindstrom   Under LB39, introduced by Omaha Sen. Brett Lindstrom, a political...

Area Tarps… They’re Not Just For Rain Protection !

May 17, 2021 · Paul Zwaska     To the average Jane or Joe, when you look at a ballfield and see tarps on a mound and home plate area, they assume groundskeepers put those in place to protect those areas from getting wet from rain and irrigation. Little do they know...

Tips for Leagues Who Maintain Their Own Facility. !

May 11, 2021 · Paul Zwaska ▶ If You Can Dream It… Over the past two decades I’ve been helping a local little league in southern Wisconsin improve their facilities. We have greatly strengthened the health of the league in the process. Much of what we have done...