Youth Programs & Activities Articles

There’s a right way and a wrong way to Remove Puddles !

There's a right way and a wrong way to Remove Puddles. The Beacon Puddle Sponge is one of the best ways to remove water from your infield skin. That’s because it will not disturb the infield soil or topdressing material as you set the sponge over a puddle to soak up...

Sand volleyball courts coming to Youngsville, LA Sports Complex this fall !

This rendering shows what the sand volleyball courts at the Youngsville Sports Complex could look like. The project is expected to be completed in the fall of 2019. The Youngsville Sports Complex could soon attract even more people for recreation and tournaments...

For many, ‘March Madness’ also means the mad rush to Get Back on Your Fields !

The "Madness" is in full swing! But, I don't mean college basketball. I’m thinking of the crazy rush to get ballfields up and running. Now that it's March, coaches and players all over are preparing for their seasons. While ballfields in the south and west have come...

What’s the impact of Hamilton’s coming mega-sports complex ? Area officials will take a trip to find out !

ROSS TWP., OH — Officials from rural Ross Twp., which is just minutes from Hamilton, are joining a junket to the massive Spooky Nook sports complex in Pennsylvania next week to learn about the facility that will open a Hamilton location. Township Administrator Bob...