Youth Programs & Activities Articles

BEACON Athletics Weekly Updates / And Deals ! (March ’19)

Beacon tested, Groundskeeper Approved. We're constantly working with our products on the field. One of the main contributors to our product development success over the past couple decades has been our association with West Madison Little League in Madison, Wisconsin....

Soft Touch Bases 2019 !

Athletes perform better if they feel safe. Baseball season is underway and the best way to ensure a long and injury-free athletic career is to play it safe. That's the idea behind our brand. We've designed our product so that regardless of model every one of our bases...

BEACON Athletics Weekly Updates / And Deals ! (Feb.’19)

This is your guide for February, 2019 Selecting the Right Rake. Rakes of all shapes and sizes are vital tool for groundskeepers. Some can be fairly specialized, while others can be used for a wide variety of operations. How do you know if you have the right mix for...

BEACON Athletics Weekly Updates / And Deals ! (Feb.’19)

Raise the stature of your facility and community pride with Personalization. It's more affordable than you think. And, it’s the little things that make the difference. Team logos and team colors improve the perception of your facility, add to community spirit and make...