Nothing dresses up a ballfield like a nice mowing pattern. New mower technologies and better educated professionals have made sport fields the newest art canvases. Now, not only are mowing patterns extravagant, but so are the pictures that sports field managers etch into the turf on special occasions. The tools of the trade include mowers, hand rollers, brooms, water and anything else that will help lean turf over in different directions to create the graining needed to provide different shades of green for the beautiful patterns and pictures.
Mowing patterns and field artwork should really only be used for a couple weeks max before a new pattern or art work is changed out. This is required in order to make sure the grass is growing as upright as possible and not at too much of an angle. The deeper and more established a mowing pattern or art work is established into the field, the more it will affect the roll of the baseball causing snaking and effecting play for the ball players. Find more tips and articles at |