Take a look at Glenmore’s new sports park ! (Canada)

Take a look at Glenmore’s new sports park !

Park plan

Park plan

 The plan for Phase 1 of Glenmore Recreation Park includes two playing fields, landscaping and site preparation for future amenities such as a field house, a children’s water park, tennis/pickleball courts, basketball courts, an activity centre and a skate park.
   Plans for the first phase of the proposed Glenmore Recreation Park will be available for public viewing next Wednesday, May 25.
   The City of Kelowna, BC (Canada)  will host an open house from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at The Abbey Church, 228 Valley Rd.

   City staff will be on hand to answer questions and provide information about the park, as well as about a roundabout planned for the intersections of Valley, Cross and Longhill roads.
   The first phase of the park, to be located at Longhill and Valley roads, will feature two large grass sports fields.
   Construction is slated to begin in 2017.

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