Project expected to begin this month and be completed by November. . . . . . . .
Washington Twp., Michigan – Shovels will go in the ground this month on a long-awaited indoor facility at Total Sports Park located off Powell Road in Washington Township, MI.
Total Sports co-owner Chris McInally said that they have secured financing for a 119,000-square-foot building with an estimated cost of $8.5 million.
The indoor facility will be an addition to the complex that includes 24 outdoor soccer fields that were opened in the fall of 2015.
“It has been a lot of work, but everything has been going great since we opened,” McInally said. “We are looking forward to getting our new facility in place before the end of the year.”
McInally said they will break ground by the end of this month and are looking at a completion date of Nov. 1.
Inside the indoor complex will be a full-size football field that will also accommodate soccer and lacrosse. It also will include six volleyball courts, six batting cages, an exercise facility, dance studio and sports bar.
Several tournaments have been hosted at the outdoor soccer fields over the past 18 months, and now adult and youth leagues have been established.
Total Soccer, as it was called when first proposed, finalized a deal in December 2013 to buy an 80-acre portion of land from Washington Township.
The township acquired 200 acres of land east of M-53 off 30 Mile Road for $1.5 million with plans to build a new community center on the property and work in conjunction with Total Sports to create a recreation facility on the site.
McInally and Township Supervisor Dan O’Leary said those plans remain in place. O’Leary said Clerk Kathy Bosheers will present an update to the township Board of Trustees next month laying out a proposed committee structure and considering the proposed needs, wants and financing for the township complex.
When the project was first proposed, paving 30 Mile Road, which will be the main access point for the new Total Sports facility and future township facility, was integrated into the timeline.
O’Leary said costs for paving that segment of road have been “prohibitive” and are being reconsidered.
“It is probably a couple of years away,” he said. “We are looking at several options for the future.”
He said that the township will continue to fortify the road as part of its limestone program until a paving project is approved.
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