Huntsville approves contract for 9-acre sports park

The SODA Blog

March 5, 2023

BY: Jessica Barnett, Jan 26, 2023

Two new sports fields are coming soon to South Huntsville.

The city announced Thursday that it had approved a $2.4 million contract for Hays Farm Sports Park. Plans for the park include two regulation-size, multipurpose fields; a restroom pavilion; and 120 lighted parking spaces.

The 9-acre park will be located on the west side of Haysland Road, across from Grissom High School, where it will tie into the nearby greenway and be accessible through a tunnel from the eastern side of the road, according to the city.

“We’re excited about this addition to our recreation programming because of increased demand for ultimate frisbee and other field sports,” said James Gossett, Huntsville’s director of parks and recreation. “We also look forward to collaborating with the school system to help provide practice options for Grissom’s junior varsity and varsity soccer teams.”

The fields will be suitable for soccer, lacrosse and other activities, the city said in its announcement Thursday. Two similar fields are already under construction at John Hunt Park.

The city expects the Hays Farm Sports Park to open sometime in spring 2024.


Source: WAAY 31 TV

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